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《大運同行》To Mandala With Love 故事大綱 中華文化源遠流長,其中玄學五術更是博大精深,是「玄遠」之學,能幫助人們遠程掌握未來發展, 玄奇之處,往往令中外人士目瞪口呆。享負盛名的玄學大師李居明常以「玄學神農」自勵,眼見香港 近年病懨懨,香港人終日憂慽慽,特別在八運悄悄轉入九運的世代,遂肩負起術家的社會責任,組織 「行運特工隊」,由 Captain Edward 帶領,與成員薛家燕、江美儀、陳自瑤、傅嘉莉、張寶兒、蓋鳴 暉、敖嘉年、胡諾言及林寄韻等,一起為「生病」的香港先把把脈,再治頑疾! 香港為何生病?因為風水實在出了問題!其中,香港充斥太多「魔廈」,歷年招來大凶風水厄運;堆 填區位置竟又扼殺年輕人的發展脈門;一招「拆招牌」更壞了香港繁盛根基…… 香港何以復原?「行運特工隊」揚帆出海至維港肚臍問卦,喜悉未來玄機並將在片中大披露!特工隊 並透出「港運七宗罪」及三大「九運奇聞」,箇中玄機可為香港扭轉乾坤,搖身成為大灣區十市拱耀 的「金蚌之珠」!九運早已偷步來臨,亦正影響人們的生活點滴。那麼什麼是三元九運?「行運特工 隊」將會逐一揭示,叫人不禁驚訝九運之奇! 至於如何駕馭九運,Captain Edward 已準備好十個「九運攻略」,包含行運必需品及務須注意的日常細 節,未來 20 年的生活智慧和發展方向盡在其中…… 本片是一齣前無古人,能夠令人長知識、增智慧和開心竅的「風水紀錄片」,更首次披露多種有關風 水的神秘技法,實屬難能可貴,具備未來 20 年導航人生的驚人能量,越早看越得益!亦歡迎延至 20 年之後來一一對證,卻只恐怕部份觀眾到時要深深後悔看得遲了!
Synopsis Originating thousands of years ago, Chinese culture has been extensive and profound, among them, the study of Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics is claimed to be mysterious and foresighting, helping people to master their fate in future, thus is fascinating to many Westerners. Master Edward Li Kui Ming is a famous Fengshui master in Asia, he always practices like Shennong, the “Divine Farmer”, that is to accumulate experiences and widely use Fengshui to improve people’s lives. Now the world is shifting from the 8th period of earth luck (Year 2004 to 2024) to the 9th period of earth luck, viewing Hong Kong’s “sickness” in recent years and considering Hongkongers’ worries, Captain Edward, to be social responsible as an Astrologist, recruited members including Nancy Sit, Elena Kong, Yoyo Chan, Kelly Fu, Bowie Cheung, Joyce Koi Ming Fai, Pierre Ngo, Jack Wu and Desiree Lam to form the “Winners’ Squad”, mission one is to find out the causes of Hongkong’s sickness, then point out the solutions. What made Hong Kong sick? From the angle of Fengshui, there are too many “Evil Buildings” in Hong Kong, bringing Hong Kong bad lucks; The landfills in Hong Kong relate to young people’s healthy growth, and the removal of wall signboards uprooted the prosperous state of Hong Kong… How can Hong Kong recover? The squad sailed to the middle of the Victoria Harbor and divined, the inspiring message would be announced in the film. Also, the squad disclosed several tactics which can help Hong Kong to make a U-turn change, and will become the “Pearl of the Gold Clam”. The 9th Period of Earth Luck has arrived earlier and affected people’s life. What does it mean? The squad explained it in details and it is really amazing! So, how to avoid its harms and make good use of it? Captain Edward has already prepared a chain of solutions, including tips to gain luck in daily lives, as well as advices and wisdoms to live better. This is an amazing Fengshui documentary which brings people knowledge, wisdom and lights, it powers and navigates people’s life in the coming 20 years, early bird eats more worms, early watcher benefits more advices and happiness. Of course you can verify it 20 years later, provided that you’d not regret of being late…