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《致富者聯盟》將要帶觀眾走進一個奇妙的旅程! ……
《致富者聯盟》由玄學大師李居明為美國可口可樂公司看風水的故事揭開序幕。何以中國古文化能夠令事事講求科學精神的外國百年企業另眼相看?以英文為洋人公司起的八字命盤,又如何協助他們走出事業的低谷?大師從中悟出中國子平八字的應用秘密,如何掌握,便能如何改變命運。因此,要致富,便要先從心處觀照財富,想像富豪生活……大師會傳授:改運必先改心! ……
還有一個鮮為人知的秘密:飲食原來與財富有莫大關係! ……
牛肉竟是發達密碼,而雞翼也蘊藏致富玄機!看著片中那塊價值三千元的牛扒,一碟閃閃發光的黃金雞翼,箇中價值,大師將為您一一闡釋,毫無保留地告訴您每種食物帶來的改運力量! ……
帶著神奇致富力量的旅程,又怎少得了一次在七千萬年前的海底漫步經歷!攝製隊深入美加洛磯山脈,探索如何以羅盤決定一個西方礦坑的採掘命運。一年又一年,大師運用中國風水學尋找飛星所臨之處,越洋為礦坑主人尋找謎一般的發達斑彩石,更會教曉大家每年開運的發達方位。 ……
《致富者聯盟》拍攝歷時三年,橫跨南北半球拍攝、跨七國拍攝外景,外景遍及美國紐約、亞特蘭大,加拿大卡加利、杜拜、澳洲墨爾本、悉尼、日本東京、法國康城、摩纳哥,連同七位名人紅星包括石修、陳宇琛、陳自瑤、黎芷珊、莊思敏、魯振順等等,一同步進以智慧創富的天下。 ……
Be prepared for a magnificent journey! How could ancient Chinese astrology and studies possibly transform the fate of a well-established international corporate which heavily values scientific measures? How did Master Li make recommendations that led to years of phenomenal success of a world-famous brand? Through the unique perspective of Hong Kong’s director Roger Chow, a promising rising talent of the young generation,the story of Master Li's Feng-shui consultancy for Coca-cola Company raises the curtain of this documentary. Master Li performed Ba Zi divination for the US company specifically in English. From this experience,Master Li made a tremendous breakthrough in his research of I Ching and Ba Zi that helps changing one's life. As Master Li put it,“The key to change one's fortune lies in the change in one’s mindset.” Thus the first step to prosperity is to first hold an unwavering belief of becoming wealthy and earning a billionaire's lifestyle eventually.……
We all know that health is wealth. Here is another lesson to learn: Your diet is the secret to success in wealth. By simply staring at a piece of steak that is worth 3,000 dollars and chicken wings with gold shinning,Master Li is going to disclose their secret power of food that helps people getting rich.……
The story of changing the fate of a North America minefield through the wisdom of Chinese geomancy techniques was also not to be missed. By deploying the “Flying Star Method and the paths of nine constellations”,Master Li discovered a new valuable minefield Ammolite,serving as an invaluable example to teach us locating the best positions of the year to attract more money. Starring popular artists from Hong Kong, including Shek Sau,Sam Chan, Yoyo Chan, Lo Chun- shun,Jacquelin Ch’ng,Luisa Maria Leitao ,Sukie Shek,these celebrities follow Master Li to Atlanta,New York,Calgary,Dubai, Melbourne, Sydney Tokyo,Monte-Carlo, and Niceto search for the door to wealth as well as wisdoms. This is an unprecedented documentary that educates people how to get rich,definitely an innovative genre offering groundbreaking perspectives that should not be missed!